Yemen Ahmed Diaa El Din Ali Mohamed Hussein
Full Name: Yemen Ahmed Diaa El Din Ali Mohamed Hussein
يمن أحمد ضياء الدين علي محمد حسين
Country: Egypt


Ms Yemen Ahmed Diaa Hussein owns 7.68% in Nubaria for Agricultural and Engineering. and is Board Member at East Delta Flour Mills. Also She is the representative...

Ownership Updates

Date % Ownership Company Sector Country
2018 East Delta Flour Mills Food,Tobacco & Beverages Egypt
Noubaria for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery Industrials - Capital Goods Egypt


Date Designation Entity Entity Description Country
2020 East Delta Flour Mills Company In Food,Tobacco & Beverages Egypt
Upper Egypt Flour Mills Company In Food,Tobacco & Beverages Egypt
Misr Oils and Soap Company In Non-Durables and Beauty Care Products Egypt
2020 Middle Egypt Flour Mills Company In Food,Tobacco & Beverages Egypt
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